Restore CCT has been established to help you grow in all areas of your
life and/or business.

Restorecct services 3 Main Services:


To leave every client better, by empowering you with unique and flexible strategies, tools and support systems which align to your values and goals, leaving you with a life-long return on your investment.


T – Truth and Transparency: We are clear about our objectives, humble and sober in our assessments and never let Ego override good sense.

R – Run to Win: Every project is carefully analysed and researched, strategies properly planned, and implemented with care and respect.

A – Act with Knowledge: The aim is to benefit our customers in every decision we make, serving them with our capabilities.

N – Now is the time to take action: While effectiveness is a non-negotiable, efficiency is vital.  We focus on timelines and ensure we are productive in action. 

S – We are Servant Leaders:  Our community and our stakeholders are our first priority.   

F – Facts:  Facts are the cornerstone of efficiency. 

O – Opportunities: We focus on opportunities, rather than limiting risks.

R – Respect & Reliable: Our customers, staff, suppliers, and competitors. Our word is our bond. 

M – Our Business Matters: Our people put their stamina into creating a great future for our clients, which will birth a ripple effect of Greatness into every person, family, and generation to come.


Restore CCT Logo

The word Restore is a verb and means bringing back or re-establishment (of a previous right, practice, or situation) which at your birth, was limitless.

The open hand simultaneously represents the offering of help and the desire for it. The duality of the gesture suggests that supporting those in need and being the ones in need of support are perfectly intertwined.

The butterfly represents transformation. The orange colour identifies determination, enthusiasm, friendship, and warmth.

The lilies illustrate fresh life and rebirth, their blue colour identifying clarity, reliability, loyalty, trust, calmness, and comfort.

RestoreCCT Services